Greetings, fellow explorers.
In chaos magick, it is believed that the magician is more likely to manifest their intended outcomes when they have achieved a balanced attitude towards the results of their work. This attitude is known as non-attachment, non-disinterest.
Resembling the sort of mental balance practiced in Taoism, the attitude of the chaos magician takes a sincere, rather than a serious, approach towards magick.
Sincerity: Taking things seriously enough so that the game of life remains interesting.
Seriousness: Taking things seriously to the point where you forget life is a game (suffering).
In order to be an ideal conduit through which their results can manifest, the magician must have an appreciation, rather than a lust, for the outcome. The idea of achieving their intended goal and experiencing the changes brought on by their spell gives the magician a sense of fulfillment, encouragement, and thrill. In this way, the magician’s attitude can be described as interested. However, interest can quickly degrade into lust if the magician is not mindful of their attachments. Indeed, if the idea of achieving results takes up a disproportionate amount of energy and attention in the mind of the practitioner, the individual is said to have formed an unhealthy attachment. The danger here is that the magician no longer exudes an energy field of appreciation and gratitude. What was once an act of love has turned into fear. Indeed, when we form unhealthy attachments, we become enmeshed with the object of our admiration. We feel that without the object, we are incomplete. In this way, such attachments lead us into a place where we fear the loss of our object. From here, the individual will only attract more of that fear, until it comes to life.
Attachment also has a flip side, which is often overlooked, called aversion. Aversion is the need to escape from, or to avoid, certain outcomes and experiences. This is no different from regular attachment, as the magician’s preferences have gone from a place of sincerity to a place of seriousness. In both patterns, the mind of the magician is convinced that there are specific conditions which it requires but does not have. Both attachment and aversion are focused on fear and eternal chasing.
In order to rectify this mindset, many magicians make the mistake of nullifying their attachments by losing interest in their results. They believe that if they extinguish their passions, they can bypass the perils of becoming attached. However, this too is a form of mental imbalance. When a magician intentionally loses interest in their magick, they are ultimately creating an energetic field that is out of alignment with their spell. Remember, the intent of the magician involves high-vibrational feelings like excitement and enthusiasm. Passion, therefore, is needed to ignite our spells. When a magician takes on an attitude of disinterest, they will only attract experiences that have little to no significance.
Disinterest = no results whatsoever.
Magicians become ideal conduits for the magical process when they are appreciative and grateful for the outcomes of their work, even when such things have not yet fully manifested. Magicians must believe, or rather feel, a deep internal knowledge that their work will inevitably produce actual changes. However, as is always the case with chaos magick, the results are likely to come in unexpected ways, or with a host of surprises.
Indeed, there is much that lies beyond the control of the magician. Because change is the only reliable constant, it is best for the magician to cast their spell and move on, appreciating all the magical moments, large and small, that occur between now and when their spell manifests. In this way, the magician stays in touch with life itself, becoming an avatar for the magnificence of chaos.
In our universe, we must discover and create our own version of the truth in order to further our personal, spiritual evolution. Do not take these words for gospel. Do not cling to the advice of so-called masters or gurus. In a world of unlimited information, we must consume responsibly, while staying open-minded. If something resonates with your spirit, consider that it may contain something valid, useful, or eye-opening. Try, if you can, to relieve yourself of dogma. In the end, our reality is but a thought in the mind of the Creator, and should not be taken seriously to the point of suffering.
Stay curious,
Serpent Blak