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The ONLY Item you Need to Practice Magick

Greetings, fellow explorers.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve one’s magical abilities is through the use of a daily magical diary.

At the end of each day, magicians should spend time writing down their experiences, focusing on synchronicities, the appearance of symbols, moments of déjà vu, daydreams, results of magical practices, as well as simple gratitudes.

If done consistently, this practice becomes a transformative ritual. As the practitioner regularly immerses themselves into the details of the unseen world, they gradually fine-tune their mind to become sensitive to the flow of energy, the appearance synchronicities, and the existence of spiritual phenomenon.

Eventually, patterns will emerge. The magician will discover recurring themes, challenges, and symbols. In this way, the magician produces a living artifact, mapping out the interconnected matrix of their magical reality. New thought forms are discovered. Strings of synchronicities are brought to light, and the unseen structures of the spiritual world begin to take form.

It is important to be more intuitive when working with our journals. This means relaxing our rational minds, and making room for our spiritual nature to come forth. While logic and reason are crucial in detaching us from delusional rabbit holes and paranoia, the purpose of a magick diary is to inspire us and reinforce our belief in the unseen world. In this way, it is more so an object of reflection, not unlike a mirror.

Ultimately, however, journals should be used in whatever way works best for the individual.

Magicians are encouraged to write in their diaries shortly after engaging in magical practices. It is common to record the details of the work, such as the intention of the spell, the techniques and symbols used, and anything else that may seem significant to the practitioner. Some magicians like to draw and paint in their journals. Others include environmental details such as astrological conditions and the phase of the moon at the time the spell was cast. 

The essential point is that the magician should spend time making note of all the significant details that occurred during the magical act. This way, as their results begin to manifest, the magician can more clearly identify which elements of their craft seem to be effective. Sometimes the outcome of a spell will gradually come to fruition, little by little. Other times, it occurs all at once in a mind-blowing expression of chaotic power. In any case, the details surrounding the manifestation should be written down with sincerity and care. Furthermore, gratitude should be included where it is due. 

Over time, a journal will reinforce the individual's belief in the unseen world. As explored in previous videos, belief itself is considered by many magicians to be one of the most powerful, fundamental tools in magick. Nothing reinforces belief more than an ongoing record of tangible results. This creates a positive feedback loop, as reinforced belief leads to greater and more numerous results, which leads to even stronger belief, and so on. 

Above all, the highest purpose of a magical diary is to have fun. Enjoyment of the process underlies everything we do as magicians. Even in the taunting face of mistakes and misspellings, the secret of magick is to find humor in all things, and to use it as fuel on the path towards evolution.


In our universe, we must discover and create our own version of the truth in order to further our personal, spiritual evolution. Do not take these words for gospel. Do not cling to the advice of so-called masters or gurus. In a world of unlimited information, we must consume responsibly, while staying open-minded. If something resonates with your spirit, consider that it may contain something valid, useful, or eye-opening. Try, if you can, to relieve yourself of dogma. In the end, our reality is but a thought in the mind of the Creator, and should not be taken seriously to the point of suffering.

Stay curious,

Serpent Blak

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