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Spiritual Deception and Parasitic Psychology: The False Light

Greetings, fellow explorers.

"False light" is a term often used in metaphysical discussions to describe a deceptive form of spiritual or divine illumination. It refers to experiences or teachings that may appear to be enlightening or beneficial but are actually misleading or harmful.

The concept of false light suggests that there can be deceptive spiritual teachings that may lead individuals astray or prevent them from attaining genuine spiritual growth or understanding. It implies that not all experiences or teachings that claim to offer enlightenment are necessarily authentic.

False light tends to reinforce polarized thinking, such as good versus evil, and us versus them. Whereas truth brings us closer to Source consciousness and spiritual sovereignty, false light lowers us into further duality, and creates a dependency on something external.

True light encourages individuals to find their own path. It emanates from love, which is the energy that underlies all of creation. True light emanates from the most high Creator, beyond all perception and understanding, whose nature can only be felt, rather than described. The Creator, otherwise known as God or the Universe, is a force of pure awareness, whose essence is in all things. There is nothing in the universe that is truly apart from the Creator. This is a force that loves and nourishes unconditionally. It never wants anything from you, other than for you to become who you really are. When you discover who you really are, you begin to experience feelings of pure joy, bliss, and love. You begin to realize the nature of the matrix and its grand illusions, but instead of seeing it with a sense of dread, you understand that it is a game. Furthermore, true light grows your consciousness to the extent that you become aware that you are a part of the Creator itself, taking part in this human game.

False light takes individuals in the opposite direction. It encourages individuals to surrender their autonomy. False light emanates from fear, which is ultimately an illusion. Fear comes into existence when a being forgets that they are connected to the entire Universe. False light, in subtle ways, reinforces this imaginary, cognitive divide, so that it becomes harder and harder for individuals to remember who they really are, and where they really come from. False light leads individuals into ignorance, so that they may continue to live in fear.

Some occultists say that spiritual parasites exist who benefit from having humans stuck in a state of polarized energetic states, feeding off powerful emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, and hatred. On the material plane, these emotions also make humans easier to manipulate and control.

It should be understood that false light is not necessarily evil. Rather, it serves as a cosmic challenger against which humanity can hone its ability to recognize truth amidst a realm of illusions. In this way, even false light is a part of the Creator. It is a necessary part indeed, for without it, the human game as we know it would not exist.

The idea of false light reminds us that discernment and critical thinking are important in spiritual exploration. It encourages us to question and evaluate spiritual experiences, teachings, and sources of guidance to ensure they align with our own inner truth. A good measure of truth is to listen to your body. When exposed to truth, your body will resonate in deep, organic agreement. False light, however, tends to feel inorganic. Its power comes from its ability to bypass our critical thinking skills through illusion and deceit.

As social media and the spread of information continues to expand exponentially, remember one thing, fellow explorers…

question everything.


In our universe, we must discover and create our own version of the truth in order to further our personal, spiritual evolution. Do not take these words for gospel. Do not cling to the advice of so-called masters or gurus. In a world of unlimited information, we must consume responsibly, while staying open-minded. If something resonates with your spirit, consider that it may contain something valid, useful, or eye-opening. Try, if you can, to relieve yourself of dogma. In the end, our reality is but a thought in the mind of the Creator, and should not be taken seriously to the point of suffering.

Stay curious,

Serpent Blak



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